English 10 Honors Requirements and Information

Honors English at the Sophomore year builds on the strong base established in English 9H. Writing, analysis and intellectual development are the focus, as well as self-expression through Debate, Speeches, and Monologues. Students will expand their knowledge of literary criticism by reading both contemporary and classic texts. The types of criticism touched on in the classroom will include :
•Psychoanalytical Theory
•Feminist Theory
Students will also continue to develop their writing and revising abilities through essays, poetry and stories. Literary terms, Freudian and Jungian interpretations and vocabulary will be emphasized.
Texts (both summer reading & in-class):
Brave New World - Huxley
The Dispossessed - Le Guin
A Separate Peace - Knowles
Lord of the Flies - Golding
Franny & Zooey - Salinger
Arthurian Legends (Malory, Chrétien de Troyes, etc.)
Julius Caesar - Shakespeare
Selections of Poetry, Short Stories, etc.
The Woman Warrior - Kingston
Of Mice & Men - Steinbeck
A. Attendance, Preparedness & Respect
i.  Students must be in class, seated, and reading or writing when the bell rings.  Tardiness shall be regarded as a serious offense; everyone suffers when even one student is tardy.
ii.  Class Participation Grades (15% of the semester grade) will be lowered for every tardy and unexcused absence.  Involvement in discussion is an important part of class, therefore notetaking and verbal input are mandatory.
iii.  Each student must keep a three ring binder for class which will contain all hand-outs, returned papers, and exams.  In addition, each student must have a spiral notebook that will be used as a journal for notetaking.  Essays will be kept in a Portfolio folder which will be stored in the classroom. 
iv.  It is the student’s responsibility to bring books, paper, notebooks, pens, and pencils to class each day.  Failure to do so will result in the lowering of the student’s participation grade.  If a pattern develops, a parent conference will be scheduled.
v.  As an environment for learning, This classroom must be considered a safe place for all.  Therefore, respect of one’s peers and their ideas must come before any learning is truly possible.  Insults and injurious comments are not acceptable.

B.  Due Dates
i.  Essays and Reading Logs must be typed in 12 point font and double spaced; they are due on the completion date given.  A paper is late if it is not handed in when called for at the beginning of the period and will be reduced one full grade if not turned in at that time and for each day late.  The paper must be turned in on www.turnitin.com as well. There are no exceptions to this rule - save your work often and make sure your printer is fully functional before deadlines loom.  There are now plenty of computers available on campus if necessary.  As a LAST RESORT, bring the essay in on either a USB drive or send it to me as an attachment to an email and we will print it out here.
ii  Each week an Assignment Sheet detailing what will be occurring in class and what is assigned for homework will be posted to my website
www.mrgarrett.com.  There will also be a Daily Agenda posted on the board in class that lists what we are doing as a class and what the night’s homework will be.  Homework is due the next class period after it is assigned and at the beginning of the period unless otherwise specified.  Half credit can be received on a homework assignment only if the student comes into Tutorial on the day the homework is due and makes up the assignment.
iii.  If you are on campus for any part of the day but miss class due to a doctor's appointment, a school function, or some other excused absence, your homework must be turned in to me or my box in the main office for credit before you leave campus or attend the function.
iv  An unexcused absence coupled with a missed assignment  equals 0 credit in the gradebook.

C.  Make-up Policy
i.    It is the responsibility of the student to obtain make-up assignments during Tutorial or before school upon returning to school after an excused absence.  Make-up work must be completed in one or two days.  Assignments given prior to a student’s absence and due during that absence are due immediately upon a student’s return unless the absence was pre-planned, in which case the student must turn in the assignment before he/she is absent.
ii.  It is the student’s responsibility to arrange his or her schedule to make up a test.  Make up tests will be given before school, after school, during Tutorial, or during seventh period for those who do not have a scheduled class
iii.  Failure to schedule a make up for a test or to complete an assignment within one or two days after the student’s return to class will result in a zero for that assignment or test.

D.  Outside Reading
i.  Each student is to choose books from the teacher's outside reading list (online at www.mrgarrett.com) OR get a book pre-approved by Mr. Garrett. A student must read 8 points and at least 900 pages first semester, then 10 points and 1100 pages second semester. The point values on the website (in parentheses) are assigned based on length and difficulty of the reading material. Only one 1 point book can be read each semester. The Reading Log grade is worth 25% of a student's Semester Grade.

E.  Grading
i.  Grades are determined as a percentage of the total points accumulated. 
Grading Scale:
A  = 93% - 100%
A- = 90% - 92%
B+ = 87% - 89%
B = 83% - 86%
B- = 80% - 82%
C+ = 77% - 79%
C = 73% - 76%
C- = 70% - 72%
D+ = 67% - 69%
D = 63% - 66%
D- = 60% - 62%

Grade Breakdown:
Tests/Essays/Homework/etc. = 50%
Reading Log grade = 25%
Class Participation = 15%
Semester Final = 10%

  • G. The Cell Phone ADDENDUM
    Given the ubiquitous presence of cell phones in our society and in your pockets, it seems I must state what should be obvious:  NO CELL PHONE should be out of one’s pocket, or heard, or used during class unless specific permission has been granted by me to use it, or in the case of a true emergency.  Students caught using their cell phone will be asked/instructed to put it away for the first offense.  Afterward, it will be confiscated for the rest of the period/day as deemed appropriate.  Parents will be contacted and may be required to meet for a conference or to retrieve the cell phone if necessary.
You are always welcome to contact me about an assignment or concern. Stopping by at Tutorial is the best alternative, but you may also leave me a message on the school's voice mail at extension 285 or
e-mail me at
dgarrett@lgsuhsd.org or dwgteach@mac.com
Check out Assignments & Class Expectations here on my website